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Water Plant of the Year Awards

Best Operated Water Plant of the Year Award

This prestigious award is presented to the Best Operated Water Plant in Georgia!


- All applicants must be a GAWP Utility members in good standing. Membership status will be verified right after the submission deadline. Submissions for non-member Utilities will not be considered for the award

- A minimum score of 90% MUST be realized in order for a facility/program to be recognized with an award - sole entries in a given category are NOT granted immunity from this requirement. 90% or greater score will receive a Performance Achievement Certificate.

- ALL criteria tied to a facility/plant permit will be included in determining eligibility for competition. This includes but is not limited to - bacteriological monitoring, ALL flow volumes (both raw and treated), etc. This pertains to both water and wastewater facilities.

- A copy of your plant permit to operate is required. Please upload it below. Your plant  will be placed in the correct size category for inspections according to your permit.

Winners from the previous year are eligible

Special Note! All Contact info must be current and correct to be considered for this year's competition. 

We highly recommend that your facility consider nominating one of your exceptional operators for the GAWP Top Op recognition program. 

Submission Deadline: January 31, 2025

Inspection Forms can be found under the Inspections Checklists on the Awards Page.

Note: The Committee will only perform in-person inspection. NO VIRTUAL INSPECTIONS.


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Missing or invalid required information
Are you or have you been under an EPD consent order during this audit period or are you under investigation for a possible enforcement action by EPD/EPA?

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