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GWEF Committees
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Collection System Committee

The Collection System Committee members are Georgia Water Professionals who are committed to strengthening, increasing and supporting the knowledge and overall operations of small to large wastewater collections systems across Georgia.

Our committee members bring an abundance of knowledge to the area of wastewater collections by using the experience of our utility employees, contractors, and consultants. During our meetings, we discuss issues and ideas, promote technology transfer, share innovative, equitable and cost-effective solutions to problems that face many of today's managers, supervisors and first level operators.

The committee values the input of all individuals who believe that increasing the knowledge of day-to-day operations is important for the future of our wastewater collections system and welcomes new members with this same forward thinking.

The Collection System Committee’s mission is to establish to disseminate fundamental and practical knowledge concerning the collection system and mechanical appurtenances used in wastewater systems, provide training opportunities for operators, and create a forum for discussion of the design, construction, maintenance, capacity, rehabilitation, and management of collection systems and associated mechanical equipment.  The committee will accomplish its mission by soliciting papers and developing technical sessions for GAWP conferences and by developing specialty conferences, as appropriate.  The Collection System Committee oversees the Collection-System-of-the-Year Awards, including promoting the awards, evaluating the candidates, and selecting the recipients.  The committee also nominates candidates for the golden manhole award.  For more information on the Collection System Committee, please contact Mathue Joiner at

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Industrial Committee

The Industrial Committee assists and supports industry's environmental efforts through expansion of information exchange and education services to environmental professionals concerned with industrial water, wastewater and other environmental related issues. The committee organizes and promotes the annual GAWP Industrial Conference, which is usually held in February or March every year.


The committee also rewards and recognizes environmental excellence through its annual Industrial Awards. For more information on the Industrial Committee, please contact Monique Latalladi at

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Pretreatment Committee

The Pretreatment Committee members are Georgia Water Professionals with careers in industrial pretreatment or related fields. The committee consists of a broad array of pretreatment professionals in municipal organizations, local and State government, and environmental consulting companies. 

The mission of the Pretreatment Committee is to assist our members in education, training, and regulatory review and we will carry out our mission in a positive, cooperative manner. Membership is open to, and encouraged of, all Georgia POTW pretreatment personnel and staff members of Georgia Environmental Protection Division and US EPA Region 4 pretreatment programs. For more information on the Pretreatment Committee, please contact Kelly Prescott McDaniel at

Wastewater Treatment Committee

The Wastewater Treatment Committee (WWTC) strives to serve the needs of the wastewater professionals working in the municipal sector. The Committee brings together members interested in municipal wastewater treatment, and includes professionals in plant operations, management, equipment manufacturing / sales and engineering design.  The Committee provides opportunities for professional development in the technical and regulatory aspects of wastewater treatment. 

Main Functions:

1. The WWTC develops the wastewater treatment oriented sessions and activities for the GAWP Fall, Spring, and Annual Conferences. At WWTC meetings, members identify topic areas of interest, utilize submitted paper abstracts, and as necessary, solicit presentations to provide the desired content.
2. The WWTC is responsible for the GAWP Wastewater Treatment Annual Plant of the Year Awards through its Plant Awards Subcommittee. Teams of Class I-licensed wastewater operators inspect nominated facilities, separated in similar classifications, to determine the respective plant of the year.
3. Recruit new and sustain existing WWTC members by providing a return on their time investment by providing professional development in the technical aspects of wastewater treatment and opportunities for industry networking.

If you would like to participate in this committee, please contact Petersen Benjamin at

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Pump & Pump Systems Committee

The purpose of the Pumps & Pump Systems Committee is to identify, discuss, and develop program to promote an understanding of pump design, proper application, operation, and maintenance across water and wastewater disciplines; as such, to be a valuable resource for GAWP, GWWA, and GWEF members’ networking, education, and support.

If you would like to participate in this committee, please contact Jason Burton at